HeFCi specific objectives

  1. Ensure that consumers understand the importance of healthy and adequate food consumption by knowing the source of what they eat (production system used- organic or inorganic) and the type of processing methods they undergo.
  2. Assist the consumer to identify some of the functional foods (understanding the medicinal foods, especially fruits and leafy vegetables) that are becoming extinct and encourage planting and replanting.
  3. Design and implement food production diversification and value addition that will address health, social and economic challenges(targeting farmers, women, youths, prisoners in agriculture) and market outlets
  4. Facilitate extension education conditions for the targeted vulnerable groups (school children, youths, women, pregnant and breast feeding mothers, diabetic and HIV/AIDS patients) on community diet remedy.
  5. Improve health and livelihoods of the rural dwellers through promotion of organic/ecological friendly agriculture among farming communities.
  6. Promote gender equity in access to food.


  1. Conduct workshops to promote required information/develop capacity of consumers and vulnerable groups on resource management, using extension education strategies.
  2. Conduct training workshops for farmers, processors and those who prepare school meals.
  3. Develop market outlets for organic products.
  4. Network with government agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Target Groups

  1. School children and those who prepare school meals.
  2. Youths
  3. Farmer’s group
  4. Women
  5. Elderly
  6. Vulnerable groups (HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Hypertensive and diabetic patients etc.)
  7. Prisoners

Nature of HeFCi

    • Charity/Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
    • Non-partisan
    • Contributing towards healthy and adequate food consumption for good health and long life
    • Contribute to resource oriented development
    • Working on community development eco-friendly/organic agricultural diversification and value addition
    • Work as coordinator and facilitator of related programmes






























Nature of HeFCi.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis zarturient montes ascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuada odio.

Contact Us.

The Project Coordinator, Healthy Foods For Consumers Initiative(Meludu Nkiru T.Phd)

Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan.
nkiru_m@yahoo.com, contacthefci@gmail.com